Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My first (almost) week!

 Sorry if this seems really rushed but I only have like 45 minutes to spill my guts to you through typing. So I've made a list of all the things i want to talk about and first is just the Arizona Weather and Beauty! 
First of all it is really really warm and sunny. which i absolutely LOVE. second, there are these humungous cacti!!!! like over 15 feet tall and its insane. also, we live in a barn... on a dirt road behind a members house XD its pretty sweet.
So I know you are all dying to hear about my companion... Her name is Sister Stastny (the 2nd T is silent)! She is AMAZING! she has been out for 3 months and she is from twin falls Idaho! We were at BYUI together and didn't even know it! haha but she is the sweetest and cutest missionary ever! Right now we cover 4 wards in the San Tan stake. Coronado 1st, Valencia YSA ward, Meadow view 2nd and power ranch 1st. All of the wards are amazing and the members are even better. we are very well fed! we get fed every night by the members and it is so sweet! I love them so very much! anyways me and my companion are very similar! we like a lot of the same shows including Arrow and Sherlock and we both are the oldest of our siblings! She has super pretty curly hair and is just awesome! I just think its funny how we are both greenies together! haha! 
So next item of business is the whole bike situation... My bike is wonderful! I've ridden it a grand total of one time, cause we have a car. but this is only because we are just all over the place sense we cover 4 wards and they are pretty spread out so it would be kinda ridiculous to bike all over creation. but ya it works just fine and its actually really easy to bike in a skirt! 
Okay so I want to talk about my first like actual investigators that we have had 1.5 lessons with. They are a couple who's names are Jennifer and Clint. They have a one year old son who was wrongfully taken by CPS but that led them to go to church with his cousins who are LDS and it sparked their interest. she had had encounters with the church and had a lot of questions answered and when we were teaching them about the restoration, she just like gets it and she feels the spirit. its one of those moments where you know they were prepared before hand to be ready to receive the gospel. so we extended the invitation to them to be baptized and she said yes but wants to wait for her husband to be ready. and so last night we had this fireside for investigators and recent converts and we brought them and she was crying and feeling the spirit and then afterwards they wanted to learn about the Word of Wisdom so we just stayed and taught a small lesson and answered their questions and they want to start living it!!!! how amazing!!! they make me so happy!!!! I pray for them all the time! 
So I guess I am doing great and this is my first p-day so i actually get to go buy food instead of just a quick necessities stop. 
 I LOVE YOU!!!! I am having so much fun here in Arizona and i miss you but I know this is where the Lord wants me! I know I am doing His work and I know that you (we) will be blessed! Aaaah, i just love you and tell everyone hi for me okay??? 
Love love love, Sister Haymond

Gilbert AZ LDS Temple


Sister Haymond & Sister Stastny

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